mardtb 全自动准直优化系统

- 用于方便地安装晶体而不溢出液氮
- 旋转范围: 0 - 90°
- 电机驱动

- 进行样品识别
- 2个白色LED作为前灯
- 1个红色LED作为背景光
- 独立于X-光源

- 2套电动狭缝
- 2个电离室用于连续X射线读数
- 位于准直器末端的实验性旋转快门

- 适用于各种类型的冷却喷头支架
- 专为单手操作设计
- 可将冷却喷头移出,以便安装晶体
- 可提供电动选项

- 大屏幕液晶显示器及内置摄像头

- 内置X、Y、Z向马达
- 用于固定磁帽的电磁铁
- 与所有类型的盖子兼容
- 通过软件点击定位

- 可沿横轴平移至380毫米
- 最高30°的2-θ旋转
- 可安装多种类型的探测器(重达80公斤)。

- 马达驱动沿轴进行水平和垂直移动
- 马达驱动绕光束进行的水平和垂直方向旋转
- 全自动光束搜索
- 全自动光束优化
- X射线光束的连续监测
mardtb 万向悬架调节可以通过手机(安卓,iOS即将推出)来控制。请看mardtbapp 应用程序页面了解更多细节。亮点
仪器可以配置各种光源,从Mo封闭靶光源,到最新的同步辐射光源,仪器可以配置各种探测器,比如mar345成像板探测器,SX-165/MX-225 CCD探测器,PILATUS4 260/1M或者EIGER2 R 1M/4M像素探测器.
反向PHI 的模式
内置的CHI 旋转, 可使装在PHI 角上的测角头转到90度朝下垂直的方向,可以非常方便的装卸晶体.
内置的视频摄像头将会实时监视样品中心位置的2 x 1.5 mm区域范围,并将其视频图像传入到控制用的计算机上,以使晶体对中更简单易行.
Mardtb为一系列低温装置提供了固定的支架(例如Oxford Cryosystems, Oxford Instruments 等等),可调节冷气流,来确保样品不结霜和除霜.
desktop beamline装有高达22个电机,以确保仪器的高度自动化.
mardtb万向悬架以其可靠性而闻名, 其维护成本接近于零。
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mardtb app:
- Stand alone operation
- Works with any X-ray source (Mo sealed tube to latest synchrotrons)
- Detector mounts for: mar345, Rayonix SX-165 | MX-225, Dectris EIGER2 | PILATUS3
- Compatible with mar345s, Rayonix and Dectris detector systems
- Automatic alignment via host computer
- Dedicated microprocessor
- Real-time OS, TCP/IP services
- 10BaseT Ethernet interface
- Industrial serial bus for expandability
- Open software interface for easy customization
- Motorized slits
- Automatic beam shape optimization
- Variable aperture from 0 to 5 mm with 2.5 µm resolution
- Individual settings for vertical and horizontal beam width
- Tungsten slits for high quality beam shaping
- Automatic or manual setting
- Ionization chambers with large dynamic range (108)
- Covers sources from 3rd generation synchrotrons to sealed tubes
- Fast automatic beam optimization and analysis
- Automatic capture of primary beam characteristics
- Fast rotary beam shutter
- Rotary solenoid for fast operation (1 ms)
- Optical open- and close-state verification
- Adaptive exposure synchronization
- High resolution CCD microscope
- Viewing direction along the beam path (20° offset)
- Highly sensitive high resolution CCD camera (0.0003 lux / f1.4)
- 2 mm x 2 mm viewing area for easy crystal location and centering
- 4" LCD monitor integrated in collimator (70:1 magnification)
- Video output for secondary monitor and frame grabber
- Crystal view capture during data collection
- Motorized precision tungsten primary beamstop
- Automatic beamstop to crystal distance optimization
- Easy beamstop alignment aided by microscope
- Electronic detector collision protection
- Easily attachable/detachable
- 50 mm maximum crystal to beamstop for low resolution optimization
- Fast rotary beam shutter
- Rotary solenoid for fast operation (1 ms)
- Optical open- and close-state verification
- Adaptive exposure synchronization
- High precision phi-axis
- Horizontal configuration
- Resolution: 0.000625°/step, speed: up to 900°/min
- Accuracy: 0.002°, reproducibility: 0.00125°
- Manual gear unlock (anticlockwise) for easy crystal centering
- Electronic referencing of zero position
- Exposure synchronization with shutter feedback
- Enhanced IUCR goniometer head mount
- Motor driven phi-axis translation
- Automatic/manual adjustment, electronic position referencing
- 20 mm range for a 49 mm IUCR goniometer head, resolution: 0.3125 µm/step
- Positioning speed up to 12.5 mm/sec for cryogenic purposes
- Motorized phi-axis swing ('inverted phi')
- Integrated into phi-axis assembly
- Configurable swing angle from 0° to 90°
- Motorized vertical 2-theta arm (0° to 30°)
- mar345: 2-thetamax = 96°, dmin(MoKalpha)=0.48 Å, dmin(CuKalpha)=1.04 Å
- SX-165: 2-thetamax = 106°, dmin(MoKalpha)=0.44 Å, dmin(CuKalpha)=0.96 Å
- EIGER2 R 4M: 2-thetamax = 98.2°, dmin(GaKalpha)=1.20 Å, dmin(CuKalpha)=1.35 Å
- No distance restrictions, electronic position referencing
- High resolution positioning (approx. 0.0001°/step at about 1°/sec)
- Motorized crystal to detector distance translation stage
- mar345: 75 mm to 425 mm, marCCD: 20 mm to 370 mm, Dectris EIGER2 R 4M: 35 to 390 mm
- Integrated into 2-theta arm , no theta restrictions
- Electronic position referencing
- Resolution: 1.25 µm/step, speed: up to 25 mm/sec
- Positional alignment
- High precision vertical and horizontal translation
- Automatic primary beam profiling
- Vertical range: ± 7.5 mm (352.5 mm to 367.5 mm above table top)
- Vertical resolution: < 1 µm (0.05 µm/step), vertical speed: 0.2 mm/sec
- Horizontal range: ± 10 mm
- Horizontal resolution: < 1 µm (0.3125 µm/step), horizontal speed: 3 mm/sec
- Positional alignment
- Directional alignment
- Spindle driven horizontal and vertical rotation
- Automatic beam optimization
- Vertical rotation range: approx. ± 2°
- Vertical resolution: approx. 0.3 µrad/step, vertical speed: approx. 2 mrad/sec
- Horizontal rotation range: ± 3.5°
- Horizontal resolution: approx. 0.8 µrad/step, horizontal speed: approx. 15 mrad/sec
- Beam Profiling
- Configurable adaptive beam optimization:
- any beam from any optic
- Fully automatic 3D beam profile analysis
- Cryostream mount at 45° about the beam axis (5° towards the source)
- Cryostream exhaust with an adjustable flow rate, up to 50 l/minute capacity and virtually no icing near the sample
- Support for Oxford Cryostream 600 to 800 & Cobra series, Oxford Instruments Cryojet and Rigaku Xstream
CPU | Pentium Pro 200Mhz or better (Intel, AMD, etc.) |
Memory (RAM) | >= 512 MB |
Disk space | >= 20 GB |
Video card: | Support for 24-bit colors at >= 1280x1024 pixels |
Network card: | Dedicated >= 10 Mbit/s with IP-address |
TV-card: | Optional feature for mardtb goniometer (see below) |
Supported OS: | Linux: Ubuntu On request: Mac OS X, Windows, other Linux flavours |
Required OS components | X-windows, X11-environment, openmotif libraries |
- A PC MUST be equipped with a dedicated Ethernet card set to address
- For the mardtb desktop beamline a video frame grabber is strongly suggested. A lost cost USB stick will be okay, but make sure that the stick is supported by the OS.
- 在线手册 mar345dtb (html)
- 产品手册 (pdf: 1.8 MB)
- 配备mar345探测器的mardtb的顶部和侧面图示 (pdf: 144 kB)
- 配备SX-165检测器的mardtb的顶部和侧面图示 (pdf: 151 kB)